jimh425 wrote:
Assuming you still have the boat tiedowns on, it will be fine. BTW, bad idea to take the boat tiedowns and strap loose until you are very near the water if it is steep. More than one boat has slid off a trailer on a steep ramp when the driver stops quickly!
He's talking about tipping the truck when side hilling it making a u turn at the bottom of the ramp.
For everyone else, there are a lot of launches that are looong and the order of ops is to drive down one side, line up and then cut across to an open lane, turn back up and back in. Can't back down, can't unhook and put on a front hitch. At least not without being "that guy."
To the OP, in my experience, big long ramps that require this are not overly steep. I "think" I've had my camper on fairly steep side slopes, but they may seem a lot steeper when it looks and feels like your CoG is 10' in the air!
I'd estimate the actual CoG of a truck camper is maybe 4' up from the floor of the bed, so going slow and not introducing any large dynamic forces will keep er rubber side down.
I've hooked a few turns on mountain highways that felt far to fast for my butt o meter and truck didn't tip over. Creeping across a boat ramp will be fine. Especially as long as the rear suspension is pretty stiff/sway controlled to keep the suspension roll to a minimum.