Forum Discussion

Slackjaw's avatar
Nov 26, 2014

Truck camper & 6.2L Superduty

Like the subject line says, just wondering what size (& weight, if possible) are you guys hauling with the 6.2L? Any recommended suspension mods with t/c's?

I'm looking at getting a 10-11' foot camper for my '15 F250. Just wondering what other guys are carrying and if you're using air bags, overload springs and whatnot.
  • Moving up to a F350 shouldn't cost anymore than $1000. But I understand if you bought off the lot then you are limited to what is offered at the time. My F350 was exactly $750 more than the same equipped F250.
  • How do I know if I need upper or lower stable loads, air bags, timbrens, etc...? Why not just add a leaf spring if weight is an issue? (This truck is only a part-time daily driver; I bought it to downsize from a Class C to a t/c. I couldn't afford an F350, or I would have bought one. I bought the least expensive non-white color truck I could afford. Didn't have another $10k to drop to get a non-white F350. My previous truck was white--NOT the preferred color for living in Alaska!! :D )

    Guess I should by the t/c and go from there?

    nomadictxn--that's something along the line of what I'll be looking at. Looks like your truck has the same tires I have too.
  • Good news on the longbed. As you can see I have a 9.5 ft. Lance that weighs 2800 lbs. dry and usually about 3400 lbs. ready to camp. I pack light and tend to fill with water near where I am going to camp. I store enough water for toilet use on way. Door sticker says 2900 lbs. I have 3750 lb. tires and use lower stableloads and in my opinion I might improve only with a sway bar. I don't pull behind and that may require more mods. Truck rides slightly high in back.
    Anyway, I believe that the era of campers you are looking at, you can find 8 - 9 ft. camper that will work well with what you have.
  • I had a 2011 F350 SRW 6.2 with my Lance 1050s which is a 10' 11" camper. You won't be short on power as the 6.2 has plenty of power for any size truck camper. The problem you will have is it being only a 3/4 ton truck. I had upper and lower stable loads, hellwig swaybar, Rancho shocks, nitto tires and I still didn't like the way it handled the camper, especially in the wind. I have since moved up to a dually with no mods and it handles the same camper with ease.
  • FYI, it's an 8' longbed.

    Tires are 18" rated at 3,640 lbs.

    Looking at a used truck camper, along the lines of an older late 90s/early 00's Lance or Elkhorn. Not quite sure what they weigh. I'm sure I'll be over gross and payload with a set-up like that. I'm also towing a a steel atv trailer and a couple of wheelers, about 4,000#.
  • There isn't really any 6.2 specific mods to carry more. Depending on the gearing you should be fine for power. If you do some searches here you can find lots of SRW mods. The most common ones are something to level the load include air bags, timbrens, supersprings, stableloads, springs, or some combination of all of them. Normal tire upgrades are Nitto Grapplers that can carry as much as 4000 each or switching to 19.5 wheels with F/G/H tires.
  • Chances are, any camper that size in going to weigh 4000+ wet. Go scale the truck and see where you are starting from then look at your tire ratings. That will tell you what you can carry stock. Most likely you will need to upgrade the tires and perhaps the wheels.

    There is a reason folks either go with a small TC and usually E rated tires with a weight rating of 3750, A dually, or upgrade to 19,5 tires and wheels on a SRW to deal with the weight of a large TC.
  • Would need to know your payload #. On inside of driver's door. Odds of getting a 10-11' camper that won't overload a 250??? Slim to none. Look at 8-8.5 footers.