Let's not get too sideways here... I only mentioned SL's a few post ago in terms of off roading because the OP has one and is considering to go with E-jacks on a different camper. He is from Colorado and I know how we (I) tend to be more apt to get more in the boondocks here perhaps more so than perhaps those in less mountainous states. From what I hear folks who have SL's really like them... OP should be aware that a different lift system is well, different. Not having SL's might give one a more sense of freedom to go where not previously permissible... but with either system there is the potential for damage if not aware.
No doubt that SL do have more stuff hanging low. Am not saying that one cannot go off road, but I would assume (having not owned one) that one would need to be more careful. For my type of camping I would not own one, but not tying to dissuade anyone.
An advantage of jacks over SL's is the ease of removing them in the field if a situation present an instance where a lift system is a hindrance.