silversand wrote:
BillTex wrote:
truck campers rule!That is the last set up I would own if I were an "old truck camper".
...hah hah hah. LOL. After 1 or 2 evening beers, then 2 before bed teas, I'd have to go for a whiz at 23:00; 00:00; 02:30; and finally 05:00. IF I survive the technical climbing needed to get from roof-top to ground and pitch black: snowstorm/torrential rains; gale-force winds; or plain old frost...without breaking my neck...nope. Roof-top tent wouldn't work...not for "an old truck camper" like me :B
Keep in mind, you are uphill. Not much creativity required after a few beers. It could be easier to write your name in the snow.