Gracious me Gentlemen, the midnight call of nature solution is wide spread and centuries old.
Ask any small plane pilot what they do at 10,000 feet.
I am rather tall and so headroom is important for me. My old camper had 36 inches in the over cab. This tent contraception has 49. I'm 6' 7" tall, the over cab tent I'm looking at is 7'10" when unfolded. Much better than my homes California King bed that's 7 feet long.
Yes that ladder is very long. But a ladder forces caution where as shorter scissor steps can give a false sense of security.
Of course living in a roof top tent for a long period is for the young. My need is for a night or two in remote or primitive campsites. Most of my travel nights in the future will be
spent in hotels. Yet remote places is what I really loved about Truck camping.
Our next trip is planed for the new year and will be our first Caribbean cruise. Cruising may become our favorite we don't know yet. So any purchase will wait some.
My Scotch side is hollering bloody murder about spending $1000 for a darn tent.
Especially because I already have one out in the garage.
Wayne your cot on the roof has me thinking about a folding plywood platform to pitch my present small tent up on the roof. Do you think that would look funny?