Less Stuff wrote:
Wayne your cot on the roof has me thinking about a folding plywood platform to pitch my present small tent up on the roof. Do you think that would look funny?
I think any tent on top looks funny, many people do not. I don't know if I will frequently use mine or not, but I want the option if it looks funny or not. As for the folding plywood platform to pitch your present small tent up on the roof, sounds good to me. Certainly a lot cheaper than $1000.
As with most things, always compromises. My Tent Cot has legs, so it is off the ground when on the ground. You simply fold it out to set up. Each end and both sides open, which allows for plenty of ventilation, and helps address Silversand's concern when the wind blows. The Tent Cot in the photo is the two people size. Mine is simply the oversize.