Forum Discussion

Less_Stuff's avatar
Nov 01, 2013

Truck Camper gone Wrong

Sold my truck and camper. Yet the camper has made me feel sleeping on the roof of a vehicle is normal.
So this seemed a good idea for old TCers.

This Video will tell the story. It even shows my new Jeep with one right after the VW.
Roof top tent camping

See what happens to old Truck Campers who want to drive gas powered vehicles that get 30 mpg.
Be warned!
  • I think those are pretty cool as well as the Flippac and Wildernest campers and the ecamper mod for the Honda Element.

    I like the quick deployment and the thought of being off of the ground (snakes and spiders scare me, eek).
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I like the idea of setting up over my Jeep trailer...

    Not a new idea but looks pretty easy to setup...

    Roy Ken
  • I don't particularly want to drive gas powered vehicles that get 30 mpg, but there are some places I want to camp that my TC can't get to.

    I am in the process of setting my Samurai up so I can camp on top. I recently almost completed the overhead rack. This is my Samurai and one of the areas I camp. There is a Tent Cot on top, actually two.

    When completed, the Tent Cot will basically mount like this.

    I think I will be able to stealth camp in the city. I don't need a slide out, or ladder. Just climb up the rear bumper and spare tire.

  • It amazes me what some people will put up with to avoid the obvious; truck campers rule!That is the last set up I would own if I were an "old truck camper".

    Anyway, hope you enjoy's not for us...we like a bathroom, shower, heat, galley, blah, blah, blah...
    When we are out with the TC...we are never in a hurry to end our trip. With a setup like that...I could not wait to get home.

    I don't mean to be so negative...but I think those are ridiculous.

    Let us know how long you last with that setup.

  • I would prefer the Autohome versions myself until I think of the 0400 nature call. The mileage is very appealing though.
  • Hey Doug. Just be careful of that first step of the morning, before you have your coffee!

    I just wonder if you will find something in this type of camper, that you will fit into.

    Interesting that the pic would be of Boulder, CO.
