Around these parts, I see older truck and camper combinations for sale a lot. The best of all worlds would be to find an old timer who is getting out of the TC business and selling the whole rig. There are lots of good that could come of this. One is the truck and camper are already zeroed in and warranted out. One down side is that it may have been sitting a while, which is hard on soft parts, suspension, and weather proofing. I would cast a wide net for this type of deal, maybe across state lines even. You will be able to drive the complete rig, not as imagined, but as is. A question you must ask yourself is: 'How many miles and how much time am I going to spend in the TC?" If the answer is, "not much" then a big gas guzzling older V8 or V10 would be fine.
Is it too much camper for the truck? What needs replacing? You want to take a bona fide 'expert' on campers with you when you go to look. Unless you are one, this is critical.
Whatever you wind up with, be sure it fits your needs.
happy hunting,
regards, as always, jefe
"we know what we know; we don't know what we don't know. However, we don't know, that we don't know what we don't know."
Double-talk penned in 1967, when I was a student at Long Beach State. It still applies.