Haven't read all replies, and only replying to throw my typical weird angle at it:
Some people NEVER take the camper off. Within that group, there's full-timers at one end and "the rig sits all year except for the two weeks we take it on vacation."
Other people use the truck as more than a TC hauler. Within that group, there's daily drivers or work trucks at one end, and seasonal or 'only when I need to haul' at the other end (where I am).
How you will use the truck should impact your decision about the 'best' truck for you. Example: as my snow machine, 4WD was not negotiable. Taking trips and having dogs, extended cab was non-negotiable. Hauling and TC use mandated (to me) a long bed. Diesel - I just wanted it. They hold their value, haul like crazy, and are built to last. They have downsides vs. gas, too.
So, here I naively go to buy a long bed, supercab, 4WD diesel... only to realize AFTER purchase that a BIG chunk of my payload is used up on... the long bed, the extended cab, the 4WD, and the diesel engine. My truck is heavy empty.
Good luck... I think there's no 'wrong' choice, only ones which refine your future choices.