You can also search C.L. by state. I usually start the hunt by typing in: craigslist CA and all the areas in California are listed. Then you simply choose your search by area. You can also select whether you want any dealer ads or just private party ads. I usually search broadly at first, like: RV, or camper to a good list. There is no way to avoid bed toppers or camper shells as the owners think these are truck campers. In the next month or so, there should be more TC's appearing on the shelves of C.L.
When we lived in So. Cal., the resource of choice was always The Recycler which was also pitched by area. Very easy to use.
Your problem is, if you want to buy out-of-state, you must travel for days to get to an adjacent state. I would think N.M., CO, and AZ would offer good pickin's.
I certainly see a lot of them around these parts.