A cab-over non-sleeper single-drive-axle truck could be as little as 12,000 lbs. A conventional with a large sleeper and two drive axles could be as much as 22,000 lbs/ One the Instructors at my school told me that if its under a certain weight You dont need log books, I know I was getting a lot of conflicting info at school. They had me driving a different truck seemed like everyday, and a different instructor everyday. He may have been trying to discourage me from going out and getting a truck on my own lol, He said depending on weight you may have to keep logs no matter what your using it for. Thank you for the heads up on the Escapes page. Hey Im a rookie truck driver/ Rookie TC owner lol, And Im open minded and ready to learn folks. I like talking to people who have been there and done that. Im here to learn, and all help and comments are very much appreciated.