Pay attention to the piman arm for looseness if you have over 50k just replace it I replaced mine at 62k because it did not pass state insp FOMOCO OEM
Lost that one in AK 20k Repl w/oem At next yr 18k Called MOOG and they sent me the latest updated arm. Looks like the best yet Only 4k but I grese it and look real close. The only thing I can do on my F550 is toe-in. An easy way to see if front end is out is to rub your hand in and out on the tire. If one way is sharp the other smooth then you have an alignment problem toe-in If you feel sharp going in excess toe-out sharp comming out excesstoe in. A very slight sharp comming out is ok. Tire wear affected by pressure alignment driver habits
Some shops can balance these tires find one
Good luck