Forum Discussion

woodhog's avatar
May 10, 2016

Truck Campers finally make the grade?

We are finally on the Radar

This is the first time I have ever seen a real effort by one of our
camper carriers to actually put some effort into a truck related to
carrying a TC. Wow!

I have never even been able to find the wheel capacity on our Dodge RAM.
  • Well, ... "THIS" coming from a Chevy guy!

    I'm actually glad to see this. At least someone is trying to make a difference. BS or honest truth, if it get the attention of the three big manufactures, then I say.... good job!
  • I can tell you right away the BS meter goes red on this one.
    Camper package for dually include only firmer front springs.
    Also I think it wasn't the driver who smoke the tires, but poorly designed ESP system.
  • Of course, Ford has been including ratings for campers a long time and having camper packages. Who knows how they were doing it.

    I think the interesting thing is that TCM is finally getting contacted by a manufacturer for something other than an ad. Congrats to them.

    I wonder who's camper they used for the model. :)