The larger the truck, the more conveniences that are available. We have a full bath, a large over-stuffed sofa, space for storage. Here, on Assateague Island, several hundred rigs of all sizes and shapes, except duallys, which aren't permitted, operate constantly. There are no serious problems. When, occasionally some one gets stuck, there is always help. You must air down in soft sand. I do 20 psi front,30 psi rear. We have two sets of wheels and tires. 16" Nitto Dune Grapplers for beach and local use(many here use them permanently) and 19.5" wheels for long distance, cross country.
Over sand travel is a very harsh environment. I have a small lawn sprinkler to rinse to bottom of our rig at the dump station as we depart. I use the non-potable rinse water. Although we have a set of air compressors on Assateague, I have a small one carried onboard, if needed. In the April issue of Truck Camper Magazine on line, we did an article on camping on the Beach at Assateague Island National Seashore.
For us , camping on the beach is one of the major advantages of TCing!