Forum Discussion

deltabravo's avatar
Aug 27, 2015

Truck contemplations....

I have two trucks. I am getting tired of an excess fleet of vehicles - one as a daily driver and the truck camper hauler.

I've contemplated going to an SRW truck for camper hauling duties.
The 2011+ GM trucks have higher GVWRs than 2010 and prior.

Case in point:
2015s I've look at: SRW 3500HD = 11,600. DRW = 13,025.

My 09 3500HD DRW = 11,200.

A camper dealer I talked to said they have never put an AF811 on a DRW. They actually thought it was odd that I was hauling mine on a dually.

I also suffer from something called "SOS" (Shiny Object Syndrome) and have gotten sucked in when looking at shiny new trucks. The new ones have lots of whiz-bang features. The Exhaust brake would be awesome.

Even though the GVWRs of new trucks 3500 SRWs surpass that of my dually, I have this gut feeling I will kick myself down the road if I went to an SRW.

I almost always tow a trailer when I have the camper on the truck.

I can't see myself getting a huge camper. If I went with a different camper, it would be an 865 AF (no slideout on those, but they are slightly longer than an 811)

Your thoughts? SRW or DRW?
  • I haven't been around new GM 3500 srw trucks, but can say the new Ram 3500 srw leaf spring trucks are stout in rear suspension. Hooked a large tag trailer to a new gen F350 dually and it bottomed it out. Hooked to the ram, it squatted about 50%.
    If you go long bed srw I think it will haul a 811 just fine.
    That said, I'd prefer a dually for my 860.
  • My vote would be to keep what you have. I think an older DRW truck is going to give more stability than a newer SRW truck, even if the new payload numbers are higher.
  • deltabravo wrote:

    I was overweight before I even loaded the camper with gear. This is on my way home from buying the camper back in 2009.

    In the photo above, I had about 2/3 a tank of water, 2 full propane tanks and two batteries.

    The dealer I bought my camper from is not the same dealer that recently told me it was odd I was hauling it on a dually.

    you also wrote:
    Case in point:
    2015s I've look at: SRW 3500HD = 11,600. DRW = 13,025.

    My 09 3500HD DRW = 11,200.

    that picture shows your already over that SRW 11,600 lbs.
  • This is the trailer I haul:

    I used to have a 6x12 for the truck camper toy box, but I sold it last year and converted the 20 footer to toy box duties.
  • I moved from a SRW to a DRW primarily because I no longer needed the SRW and could get by with a DRW. If you go to a SRW, a couple of things to keep in mind. The SBCC is about as bad as it gets. That is, the TC is as far as possible from the front wheels and over a concentrated area since you'll also have overhang. To maximize the performance, I'd go with a Extended cab long bed.

    That being said, you get the best of both worlds by having both. You will compromise if you go to a SRW. I was fine, but it also meant that I had to pay more attention to what I was carrying even down to deciding if I carried a full water tank or not. I can't say it is a night and day difference if you go to 19.5s, better shocks, and stable loads or extended bump stops. But, I did that.

    The DRW I have now has way more tire capacity. I will say my DW likes the DRW better and especially likes the CC for putting stuff in the back. It's also got a nicer interior, geared differently, and turns way tighter since it is a F450.
  • BigBlockFord wrote:
    Before you make the final decision, roll onto a scale fully loaded... it was a lesson for this guy!

    I was overweight before I even loaded the camper with gear. This is on my way home from buying the camper back in 2009.

    In the photo above, I had about 2/3 a tank of water, 2 full propane tanks and two batteries.

    The dealer I bought my camper from is not the same dealer that recently told me it was odd I was hauling it on a dually.
  • deltabravo wrote:

    A camper dealer I talked to said they have never put an AF811 on a DRW. They actually thought it was odd that I was hauling mine on a dually.

    Ever seen a Wolf Creek on a Dually :)

    My dodge 2006 3500 SRW was over GVW by a couple hundred lbs with just (wet) camper, and I tow a 7x14 trailer. I was also at the weight capacity of my rear tires. (Plus I also have SOS). I figure buy my last truck now (while still working) instead of trying to make payments during retirement.

    I also run 2 trucks, but my daily driver is a little S10
  • Coming from someone that has run SRW from the beginning, but is looking to move into DRW for our current AF camper, my vote would be to stay with DRW- especially considering the trailer!

    Before you make the final decision, roll onto a scale fully loaded... it was a lesson for this guy!
