BenK wrote:
Best to use nautical or drivers side, but some base standing in front of the vehicle and the drivers side is the right side...been there done that too often trying to help on the Internet...heck, even in person...
Also the why of operating room/table will have written with a sharpie which hand/arm/leg/etc is to operated on...too many mistakes have dictated that
Cummins12V98 wrote:
RV ODS = Off door side and DS = Door side.
Vehicle DS = Drivers side and PS = Passenger side.
No confusion
Yes, sure. We all must be able to talk to people that don't know which way is up. I have a left side, but know I should keep to the right under most conditions.
No confusion with RVs? For the majority of 1 type of RV ODS would be what most would call front.
If you a standing facing me we both have a right, but if 1 points right he points north. For the other right is south. But that does not mean the right hand relocates.