I have to chime in now - I have been following your plight since you first posted it.
First of all, sorry to hear of the loss. Hard to take when you have a good truck.
We had a hail storm blow through here last summer. My PT Cruiser was totaled, My MIL's Nissan was totaled and my truck was heavily damaged, but due to the current value of older used trucks they opted to repair it even though most of the panels sustained damage. I took a cash payout and I am going to fix it myself.
The current market value of my 2007 diesel dually with 434,000 K on it is nothing short of plain stupid... But! People are paying those high prices. We all know about the chip shortages, and all the rest of the supply problems keeping the used vehicle market inflated.
So, above like Grit Dog and others have said, the used truck pricing is not a mistake. This is what people are getting all day long for the trucks. Heck, I was told I could get 20 to 24K for mine! Crazy.
If I could suggest you get online to various dealers, truck sales outlets, Craigslist and more and try to find a comparable truck to yours and see what they are asking for it. Keep a record of it and submit it to your insurance co.
As mentioned, they will only pay you the least amount it takes to get a signature and make you go away.
Don't let them bully you.. Your truck is a nice one and worth more than you may think.