The reason STs are not rated for passenger use is because they are specifically designed for TT use.
+ The bead and side wall are designed to straight forward movement and the side load on a non-stearing axle.
+ The tread pattern and compound are designed straight forward movement and rolling resistances with no driving torque forces.
+ They are designed for 65 mph maximum speed.
In short they are designed for the forces and environment experienced by a trailer. Therefore they are not recommended for powered vehicles.
LTs the other hand are designed for the stresses, speeds. steering and acceleration torque forces encountered by light trucks. Hence they are not recommended for trailer use.
"Dems da facts" as they say. Or at least what I found when trying to figure out why an LT tire, which undergoes far more rigorous testing than an ST tire, was not recommended for trailer use.
There is no doubt that many people have evaluated their TT tire needs and feel the robust testing of the LTs makes them a better choice for trailer use than the ST tires; in spite of the recommendations of the tire manufacturers.