Forum Discussion

mcoley's avatar
Jul 10, 2014

TV antenna performance

We have a bat-wing antenna that came on our '07 StarCraft hybrid. I just bought a new TV. My wife is convinced that we need a new, higher tech antenna to get stations where now we cannot get any. I'm not convinced that they are worth the high price. Can anyone attest to the much better performance and maybe even recommend an antenna?
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    CHeck your old batwing and make sure it looks like the one in front with the small dipoles... This adds more gain to the older BATWINGS.

    Roy Ken
  • You can plug in where you are at using a site like and it will tell you which way the stations are and the likely hood you can actually pick them up.

    In the hills, like where I live, I can tell you from experience (messing around at my house) that getting signals can be voodoo.

    Even trying a couple high end home antennas, I found they gave totally different results and moving them a couple inches would make the difference of what channels I would get. This is even though all the channels I want all beam off the same mountain.

    Moral of the story is that odd things happen to the signals when they bend over hilly terrain (flat is not so much a problem). Don't believe the hype of some of the marketing of these antennas that promise to get you every channel.
  • You could check out old antenna threads in the technology corner. Your old batwing should work just fine as long as you point it in the right direction.