Forum Discussion

kend40's avatar
Aug 23, 2013

TV antennae questions

Bought my new Kodiak earlier this year. Have had great fun putting 9600km on it already and think i have a good handle on most aspects of using it. BUT I am not often a TV watcher and to date have not been able to figure out the scoop on the recent changes in Canada where I think all transmission has gone digital. Should the crank up antennae on my 2013 Kodiak be able to bring in TV? or does it need either a digital converter/receiver box, or maybe a whole new digital antennae like the Jack antennae I have seen advertised?
It seems like there are lots of people on here that do watch TV in their TT's, I would appreciate any info you can share with me.
  • I have a 20 year old TT using the original bat wing winegard antenna I can get at least 4 stations (or more) around here in rural SW MN. I do have a switch that I need to turn on to activate the boost for the antenna or else I get nothing. Now, if the wind is blowing the signal may freeze up or not come in. I think a batter antenna would solve this problem but, I don't watch enough TV to make it worth the cost to spend the money.
  • wmoses wrote:
    If you have an Android smartphone there is an app called "TV Antenna Helper" on Google Play that tell you the direction in which the antenna should be pointed to catch what stations. It needs to know your location, of course. No such app for iOS (iPhone / iPad).
    Actually iOS has several apps that do this nicely with zero intervention from the user because it knows where it is (GPS), and how its pointed (flux gate)

    - TV Towers
    - OTAMap
    - Tower Radar
    - And if you are looking for radio stations in the area, look at RadioRadar
  • thomasmnile wrote:

    You could add a Wingman antenna (made by Winegard) to the Sensar to improve reception if you have a problem, or replace the antenna with a Jack Antenna. The Jack is available from a multitude of places online, and can be bought as a replacement head only for the mast mounted Sensar or as a roof mount model that completely replaces the Sensar antenna and mast.
    The Wingman addition if far superior to the Jack across the board: UHF or VHF. Unless there is a space constriction on the roof where you can't fit anything else, a Jack simply does not perform as well.