Jul 12, 2013Explorer
tv just stopped in highway towing tt
I was returning 12 days of trip past sunday traveling I95 South and traffic was bad, going less than 20 mph and going through construction zone and i hit little bump and soon after i hit it tv just lost power and going uphill w/o speed, i block the right lane and made traffic much much worse. Trooper came and did not want me to call Geico for Emergency roadside service since it takes more than hour, so regular tow turck came and he called his brother-in-law for his pick-up truck that has 2" receiver and towed seperately. After they towed off highway and paid $250 (next exit towed less than .5 mile) they ask me what happen and i explain they found out that fuel pump fuse was blown and replaced one inside tv. My tv is 2 months old 13 chvey suburban 2500 that has about 3500 miles on it. So, i was able to come home after 2 friends came picked all passengers.
So I went to dealer where i bought the tv to find out and 3 miles away from the dealer it stopped again. Same situation, exit ramp off highway, road was bumpy and lost power again. This time i had some speed and was able to park safely. Towed to service dept. and today they called and it was short wire that caused it.
1. Is this extremely rare case happening like this?
Short wire means it was touching something??
2. when ur tv broke down while towing tt, do u towed them seperately or heavy duty tow can handle both? (gieco agent was confused, and i ketp telling him it's tt and he reply what class a or b)
I had to cancel trips for 2 upcoming weekends..
I still feel bad that i blocked the highway with brand new tv..
Thank you replying in advance.
So I went to dealer where i bought the tv to find out and 3 miles away from the dealer it stopped again. Same situation, exit ramp off highway, road was bumpy and lost power again. This time i had some speed and was able to park safely. Towed to service dept. and today they called and it was short wire that caused it.
1. Is this extremely rare case happening like this?
Short wire means it was touching something??
2. when ur tv broke down while towing tt, do u towed them seperately or heavy duty tow can handle both? (gieco agent was confused, and i ketp telling him it's tt and he reply what class a or b)
I had to cancel trips for 2 upcoming weekends..
I still feel bad that i blocked the highway with brand new tv..
Thank you replying in advance.