I came across a great little single arm articulating/tilting wall bracket at Walmart.com (Walmart #: 550933909) for only $18.00. Rated to hold up to 42" 66# TV and included a free 6' HDMI cable with the unit. What sold me on it was the fact that the TV was easily de-mountable by simply removing one thumb screw and loosening another. I had to modify the actual TV mounting plate a bit to better fit our 24" RCA LED TV. We travel with 2 TV's due to our entirely different viewing tastes AND both TV's travel face down on the front queen bed. It mounted on just one stud, and with the wood framing of our '07 Puma 25rs, it is very secure; but the TV's still travel de-mounted simply for my own peace of mind. Fits our application to a "T" and the TV re-mounts in seconds!