Forum Discussion

TheGreatWaz00's avatar
Feb 05, 2015

Two choices - Your thoughts?

We looked at two TT last weekend - Bullet PREMIER and The Rockwood Signature. I like hte Premier and the wife list the Rockwood.

I am interested in what experiences (good, bad, ugly) you all have had with either. Interested in warranty issues, fit and finish, everything is fair game.

Appreciate your opinions.

  • PawPaw

    Thanks that was helpful. Issue with fit and finish will drive me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant handle it.
  • Hello
    If I were you , but Im a lady, I would have a good look at the one your wife wants. Just my observation, women are better knowing whats best in a house or trailer. In addition men know the mechanical side better. But, if you are a tall big man, Please make sure you can fit into it. My friend just bought a 5vr , here husband is a very large man, not fat but tall . Some of the rigs we looked at he couldn't stand up in the shower or some of the door ways did not fit him. That can't be comfortable. But we found one the worked. So good luck.
    31 ft springdale quad bunk
    F150 V8 tow package
    2 shihtzu
    3 daughters
    1 grandma
  • TheGreatWaz00 wrote:
    I like hte Premier and the wife list the Rockwood.

    Buy the Rockwood now, or sell the Premier in a year, and buy the Rockwood then.

    Even that loss on the investment is cheaper than a divorce.

    Really - are they the same floor plan, the same level of accessories? Only then can she compare them equally.

    We have a Flagstaff Classic Super-Lite - basically a Rockwood with a different name. Been full-time for over a year and quite happy. But we have the Platinum Package with 2 ACs, 50amp service, free standing dining table, two leather recliners, power awnings and covers, slide toppers.

    The thing we love most is the electric heater/ fake fireplace under the TV. We never turn on the furnace until it gets below 35 degrees, and then only to add heat to the underbelly. We've been in temps down into the mid teens several times. TT was quick comfortable.

    We've also camped in 110 degrees, and the two ACs kept up just fine.

    Yes there have been a couple minor issues. We've put over 7,000 miles on the trailer and some things have worked loose. I keep an eye out for that type thing, and fix anything which comes up.

    The furnace failed on the first trip out. But that was a Suburban problem - not Forest River.

    I've met many folks with the Keystone Bullet line of TT while camphosting - and most have been happy.

    As mentioned above - every brand has it's bad units, folks who buy a TT expecting something more than the level they are paying for.

    One word of warning - we almost bought a different model of Flagstaff which was on-sale as a 'show model'. We decided to go with the one we have. The fellow and his wife who are gate attendant at the COE cg where we are right now actually bought the one we decided against. They 'hate' their TT. Nothing really about the build - but a lot of little issues - fit and finish issues - which were all things caused by the unit being at three RV shows in about three months.

    Stay away from the show floor model if possible.
  • buy the one with the floor plan that works best for her (and you, maybe).

    don't worry about quality, all brands have some good ones and some lemons. Our cheaper ones have had the best build quality.
  • If you end up going with the Rockwood, don't forget to ask them about the add-on 2nd year of warranty.
  • IMO the Rockwood/Flagstaff Signature line is one of the best built lightweight trailers and they offer a wide range of options that are not available on many TT's.
  • LOL You are probably right - the wife's choice - LOL. We did not even consider the Rockwood until the dealer showed us. I researched the hell out of the Premier, just dont know anything about the Rockwood.
  • That's a no brainer.
    Buy the one your wife likes!

    Bingo, that is the best answer and should end this forum