bid_time wrote:
Show me the data behind the study or it ain't worth the paper it's written on. Once I get the data I'll bet I can find several dozen flaws and self serving assumptions. Case in point no where in the hokey write up did they mention the interest you earn when you leave that $8,000 invested or the additional interest you pay when you finance that $8K. That's finance 101.
Old-Biscuit wrote:
I sold my gas grocery getter and bought a diesel to tow..........simple
I have never bought a vehicle on perceived 'return'
I only buy to fill a need.
wing_zealot wrote:
I think you guys are a hoot the way y'all feel the need to justify your diesel.
wing_zealot wrote:transamz9 wrote:wing_zealot wrote:
For the life of me I can't figure out why diesel owner's continuously start these threads for the umpteen billionth time. It's like they need to repeatedly keep justify their decision to buy a diesel. You don't need anyone else's permission to buy a diesel. If your happy - great! If you're trying to prove something, you're not succeeding, so give it up. Those that want a diesel own a diesel, those that don't, don't. They remind me of hawkers at the county fair. The more threads they open the more I suspect they are trying to sell snake oil.
It's for the many people that buy gas because they are told that diesels cost more to own. If you are happy with your purchase and don't like these threads then don't read them. I'm not the OP and could really care less what someone buys I just like threads that give people good info. Take it how you want. Maybe you keep reading the umteen billion threads because you want to find a way to justify what you bought?
Why would I have to justify spending $8,000.00 less for a truck that does everything I ask it to and has a higher payload to boot?
In hindsight now that I think about it you did provide me with an awakening though. They'll never quit no matter what. Sayonora.
wing_zealot wrote:
Why would I have to justify spending $8,000.00 less for a truck that does everything I ask it to and has a higher payload to boot?