stripit wrote:
I used to have to crawl up into the belly a couple of times for various repairs. I would cut a 3 sided opening, about 2 feet square. The uncut side was at the front facing edge, so the cut flap would hinge down and let me crawl inside. I then used 1x2 wood, laying the 2 inch piece on a edge and screw 1 inch screws into the uncut bottom and the cut pices, It held the cut flap in place after I was done working up inside.I then used some Gorilla tape to tape up the 3 cut pieces to keep any water from entering. Should you need to re-enter the bottom, pull the tape, unscrew the screws and your back in. Fast and easy with no mess.
Except for the wood I did the exact same thing. Still holding using Gorilla tape. Just make sure to give the coroplast a good cleaning before taping.