Strange to see to see "US" being called "Imperial". Canada used Imperial ( as in British Empire) for gallons etc, while the USA uses US gallons.
EG, we used to call those oil drums, "45 gallon drums" but the same drum in the US is called a "55 gallon drum".
Now in Canada things are supposed to be metric, but they sell "gallon" cans of paint, eg, which are US gallons, not Imperial gallons.
Truck beds are said to be 8 foot or whatever in feet still.
We still buy "2 by 4s" and "4 by 8" panels. New babies are reported in the paper in pounds right after the first time they were reported in grams in 1975. Wow that must have hurt, people thought.
In 1975 a local hardware store had a deal on "metric yardsticks", which was a good indication how well metric was going to go over :)