Forum Discussion

LamboDesigns's avatar
Explorer II
Jan 29, 2017

Used TC purchase in Colorado?

Hi all... been lurking and reading everything I can on truck campers and about to pull the trigger on a lance 855s so thanks for all the info you have provided.

I do have a question regarding purchase of a used TC from a private party in Colorado (or any state without registration I guess) that I haven't been able to find yet. Since there is no title or registration how do you know the person selling the TC really owns it free and clear? With my Class C we had a title and everything went through the state so there was little to no worry about it. In this case I'm not worried as the guy is a local business owner but what if this was someone I didn't trust? I'll be paying cash but how do loans work with a TC if there is no title for the bank to hold? I will get a bill of sale but is there anything else that you do buying one? More curiosity at this point but also want to make sure I do what is required for a proper sale.

Now to get all the right gear (air bags, sway bars, etc.) installed on the truck. Looking forward to this summer and new adventures.
  • Looks like everything is working out so I will soon be the proud owner of a TC:) The couple I'm buying it from have been great to deal with and no worries with them on the legality of the sale. They do have a loan on it and will provide a copy of the UCC release so thanks for that info pbroooks101. TCs in Colorado do seem to be an odd duck and just finding a boilerplate bill of sale seems to be a challenge vs about any other vehicle.

    We did get a shocker yesterday with the insurance quote which was a lot more ($750) than expected so I will be shopping around and will look into doing separate coverage like d3500ram if my agent can't find a better rate. From what I've read coverage prices are all over the map and I would like to stay on the low end of that range and not the top.

    Thanks again for the ones that helped in this thread and the countless others that supply info on all the other topics. I built a CNC router a few years ago and without forums like these it would not have been possible to get it running or keep it running.... now to get insurance and figure out what caused the instrument cluster on my excursion to go out just as someone was coming over to look at it. Looks like I'm not the first to have that happen either:(
  • I went through something similar when selling a TC years ago.

    The buyer was also from Colorado and understood the way that TC's are not registered in the state. I had no paperwork that tied the TC to me other than having it listed on my insurance card. I choose to have a separate policy coverage for the TC independent from my vehicle and homeowner's coverage, thus a proof-of-insurance card was generated by the underwriter.

    Perhaps the seller might have separate insurance that list the TC VIN to the person?
  • darsben1 wrote:
    I thought you asked about the right gear for the truck air bags, sway bars etc. I must have misread your post. It seems you are just telling us what you are GOING to do.

    Gotcha... I try to only ask questions if my research fails me and hate it when someone asks a question that has been asked and answered hundreds of times. Based on many many hours of research here and other forums I think I have figured out what I'm going to install on the truck to make it as safe as possible before I install the camper. While there are a lot of options out there it seems like what will work best for my intended setup is a set of firestone air bags and hellwig sway bar. I installed a hellwig on my excursion and it has been rock solid so that was an easy one for me. The firestone air bags also have been the leader in that area from what I've read so I feel pretty good about going with them along with a airlift compressor.

    A lot of what I've read has also been along the unifence/biesemeyer debate (tablesaw fences for woodworking that caused many a heated forum debate on which was best and normally the same price) for a lot of things that come down to personal preference but both work extremely well and you can't go wrong with either one. I have a unifence because it was $100 cheaper for the particular deal I got on the saw and love it... had the biesemeyer been cheaper I'm sure I would love it too. The seller is throwing in a happijac system that fits my truck so while I would prefer the torklift if buying new I'm having a hard time justifying the additional expense. I don't mind spending money when necessary but hate to spend if I don't have to.
  • I thought you asked about the right gear for the truck air bags, sway bars etc. I must have misread your post. It seems you are just telling us what you are GOING to do.
  • pbrooks101 - Thanks. That all makes sense. Figured there had to be a way to track it by a lender.

    Looking forward to getting this camper. My youngest is 12 and he does a lot of math camps in the summer so are looking to use this to travel to them. The ones that are resident camps then the wife and I can go play while he is there. It will also be nice when we tow the ski boat we can all go together instead of taking the class c and then she would drive separate so we could easily launch the boat and leave the RV parked. Really loving the new truck too.... first new truck in 21 years:)
  • darsben1 wrote:
    We need to know more about the truck. You provide NO INFORMATION about the truck in your profile

    Didn't think it really mattered but the truck is a 2016 ford super duty. Not really concerned about the truck/camper combo as I've done my research before buying either one and will add all the suspension mods to the truck before ever loading the camper to ensure I'm safe rolling down the road. The TC is sitting on an almost identical truck right now with the only difference being diesel (his) vs gas (mine) right down to the color:) Question really just concerned the logistics of buying a used truck camper from a private individual.

    Just registered to the forum so I'll add all the info once I get a camper.
  • Check the Colorado Secretary of State UCC filings web page.

    When one obtains a secured loan on a vehicle (my credit union considers any RV a "vehicle") but it is not title-able - either there isn't a title for it or it is older than the states requirement for a title - the bank/lender files a "UCC Statement" with the states Secretary of State. This "statement" is in effect a "lien" on the vehicle and is only authorized to be released when the loan is satisfied and paid off. One thing the lender (in my case, anyway) didn't tell me was that this was not automatically done once my loan was paid. I had to send in proof that the loan was paid and the Secretary of State's form for release - oh, and the $25.00 fee of course - in order for the UCC filing to be released.

    That is how it works in my home state and I found the above web address for Colorado and I believe it is the same or similar there.

    Good luck on you new purchase!!!
  • We need to know more about the truck. You provide NO INFORMATION about the truck in your profile