sbstryker wrote:
@RoyB Those are AWESOME suggestions! We don't have a house, we rent an apartment in Toronto, so unfortunately we have nowhere to do that right now :( We rent space in a farmer's field along with a few friends to store our trailers there. Stupid by-laws in Toronto prevent you from having trailers in apartment parking lots or even on the parking spots at the side of the road. Laws here are very restricting. Once we get a house (we were close to buying last month but sellers decided not to sell - hopefully in spring we'll have one) I will definitely be doing your suggestions!
I rent an apartment too (Winnipeg),
be careful storing your pop-up at a farmer's field, I did that too and one mouse fond it's way inside my pop-up and destroyed it!
(I took that opportunity to move to a small travel trailer)
If you have no choice, go to home depot and get the "GREAT STUFF 16 oz. Pestblock Insulating Foam" and seal all the holes under the trailer!!!