Brad from AMLV called last week and proposed that that my camper be picked up from their closest dealer in Ventura, CA ( 2 hours north) so they can take it to Yakima, WA to do the repair work. The next time they will be delivering units to that dealer will be sometime in mid-February.
I've stressed to them that I want a moisture test done to see if that is the cause of the loss of adhesion. He assured me that if that was the cause, then the entire front cap would be removed. I have asked to speak to the assigned technician after their inspection to review their avenue of repair.
While it is in the shop they will address a few other items that need attention. I'll probably ask them to do a few upgrades in lieu of any travel reimbursement or the inability to use the camper during this time.
The 3 year structural warranty will start over on the delivery of the camper to me.
All in all, I am OK with this, I want the camper fixed in back on my truck ASAP. I only wish I could be closer so I could lay eyes on it when they inspect it.