Thank you for the clarification... I only contacted him twice about the damage...Once when I found the rott under the dinette and once when I found the rest of the issues.. the second message was followed by the damage pictures I attached here...that was the extent of our contact... He only replied to the first message... The second one and pictures he ignored...I haven't contacted him since the second message was sent
Here are the two times I contacted him through text
"The floor is rotted again in the is the wall.. we were cleaning under the table and there is mold.and the new wood is rotted through..guess im gonna be busy...there was a crack in the wall near the awning and water was coming in there.."
"Yeah so new subfloor, insulation, wall needs to be completely rebuilt, possibly a new heater since it was full of ants and water, it wasn't even hooked up and live power wires were out in the open.. termites, ants rotted wood between the wall frame and aluminum floor..... I was "ok" with minor floor damage but whoever fixed the issues last time completely ignored the crack near the rear window and the huge holes behind the awning where water ran right in.. I'm not asking you for anything.. I'm just disgusted with this...I am in the process of fixing it correctly and hopefully get a camping trip out of it this summer.. "
the_happiestcamper wrote:
Don't know him - that is also an insinuation. I apologize if I read in there that you told him his work was shoddy. You did keep contacting him every time you found more damage - by those actions the guy feels backed into a corner - and maybe he deserves to be in that corner. Whether he knew all this or not ahead of time only he can answer for sure.
You did ask about legalities ("what are some legal implications the seller could face because of not identifying the ongoing leaks at the time of sale") - so don't be surprised that people are trying to give you answers about what your legal options are.
I'm glad you're getting the trailer up to where it should be. You obviously have some talents for fixing it.
TrevorL wrote:
What are the chances you know him and are replying on his behalf.... Interesting.he is from SC originally as well. I did just remove him from Facebook the other day.I sent him pictures and told him what I found..I never once criticized his work in contact with him. He just stopped responding.yes, he did offer to help but honestly, after the work I saw done, I had no interest in him helping me at all... I didn't ask him for a refund, I didn't ask for help... I simply pointed out to him what I found.. yes I made the mistake of trusting his word and also not havi g it checked out... I asked about legalities for bothe sides of the situation.. I never said I was going to go after him for money or anything so I'd appreciate it if people would stop insinuating that. I live literally 2 miles from him... If I was going to ask for compensation I would go to his obviously bothers him enough that at olive garden yesterday he was being seated right next to my wife and I and he asked to move...why? Guilt? I'm not the type of guy looking for confrontation and would not interrupt his meal... But acting like that and being a military man like myself where we handle issues and not avoid them tells me there was a little dishonesty I the deal on his end...I could see if I harassed him but I didn't... I simply showed him what I found and told him about the heater... I also told him I didn't want anything from him and I was just showing him what damage there was... That's it... I will post up our text messages to prove that....and if you know Jeff then tell him he doesn't need you to relay anything he can come straight to me.....
the_happiestcamper wrote:
Legally, you have no recourse (at least from what I've seen on Judge Judy). You did not have it checked out before you paid for it. The seller did not offer a warranty or money back guarantee.
He did offer to help you at first (remember, the guy is no RV technician or repair specialist). He started to ignore you because you kept contacting him saying his work was shoddy and the repairs were mounting.
About the only recourse you have is to un-friend him on Facebook.