i admitted my fault in this thread, read the entire thread before making a post...it was my fault i did not look over the camper as thorough as i should have.... his admittance to fixing the leaks "the right way" as he put it and telling me everything works were his dishonesty and partially me not double checking. not to mention this is a guy ive worked with in the Air Force and he just recently retired... my trusting him was a BIG mistake..... where i stand my ground is him completely blowing me off even though i did not harass him or ask for any type of compensation... i simply showed him what i found and showed him pictures. i think what happened is he knew he did a half @ss job fixing the issues and spent more time making it look like the problem was fixed and then someone like me comes along that has a carpenter background opens up the wall to discover the nightmare behind the wall... maybe its embarassment on his part or guilt of knowing what he did... im going with him blowing me off because he knew he screwed me over... despite the fact it is my fault that i did not look over the camper better, he was selling a camper he knew had hidden issues..every issue i have fixed has been touched by him, every leak i found was created by him not following through on proper sealing.. a cobble stone patchwork of foam board and spray foam is not a correct fix without sealing seams or screw holes, no vapor barrier under the subfloor and incorrect insulation in the floor ... dishonesty whether or not i failed to look harder.
RandACampin wrote:
You should have fully checked out the camper
BEFORE you bought it. Instead the title being "victim of a dishonest seller" it should read "I'm a victim of myself". You have no one to blame in this matter but yourself.