you do have a point, it can go either way.. i have bought and sold alot of performance cars and ive always made sure everything was exactly the way it was advertised and i always give all records with them and very thorough bill of sale. on the other hand you can deal with people who either dont know what they have and honestly mis advertise or the shady individual who knws what they have and pull one over on some one.. Camping world seems to have alot of used campers that you can tell have sat there for a long time..most are overpriced and several have visual damage. it really botheed me when they tried to deny the severe damage to the camper with the slide out that was falling out of the camper... even with repairs, i will have less than $7,000 invested in my camper with the reapirs and a bunch of upgrades im doing and ive seen them sell for far more than that.. i know the water damage that i am repairing takes a big hit on the value but when i do decide to sell the TT later on to upgrade i will have full documentation and pictures of all the work ive done so the prospective buyer will know what they are buying.
camperforlife wrote:
TrevorL wrote:
Camping world tried to pull a fast one on me... i looked at a TT they had for sale on the used lot... the slide out was literally hanging out of the camper and all the structure around it was could see daylight around the slideout from inside the camper.. i pointed this out and they said it wasnt a big deal, it just needed supports under the slide out....
moral of my story, im not buying used ever
2freelife wrote:
We are embarrassed to admit we also bought a trailer from a private seller that we discovered is in bad shape. We should know better. The seller lied about everything although he seemed to be so nice. We will never buy from a private party again because of this experience. We've put lots of money into the trailer to get it up to par. Now that we've fixed everything we no longer like this trailer. I'd like to just trade it in, & move on. When there is money involved sellers may not always be honest.
Trevor, we have bought 2 new and 3 used trailers and the used by far have been the most trouble free. My brother has a now 2 year old trailer that he bought new and the last trip out was the first trip something did not break or fail.
My point is you can really look over a new or used trailer but the bottom line is it can be a******shoot with either. All you can do is crawl all over them before you make the purchase and then cross your fingers.