Forum Discussion

  • sh410 wrote:
    Robert, could you give an idea of the price of the ones in the videos? In USD?

    Expensive to US Buyers, from $50,000 to $70,000. They the manufacturers are constantly adding new features i.e Disc Brakes, Fuel cells, Electronic ABS, Sensatrak braking,new composites structures, improved suspension and hitch systems, one touch control panels, pop up TV's LED's etc
    Sensabrake new braking system
  • Robert, could you give an idea of the price of the ones in the videos? In USD?
  • I also saw the UEV 490 ( ) which is
    amazing off road solutions. It too bad we don't have something like these here
    in North America as a option.
  • chr$ wrote:
    Be nice if we could import the chassis and pop it under our existing one.

    Chassis's plural, very different from what you would find under a US TT. Several different types
  • Be nice if we could import the chassis and pop it under our existing one.
  • I honestly love the off-road RVs that Australian manufacturers have to offer. They seriously make me think of a "post apocalyptic - mad max" scenario. Although I don't see myself ever owning something like that, I really do enjoy watching videos about them. Thanks.