My poor camper goes through "travel withdraw" every year in central Indiana. The poor thing just sits there, shivering and shaking in the wind in a deep depression. When temps get to about 10 degrees (F) we finally move inside the house, as it just cost too much to heat to enjoy sleeping in there at night. Well, when temps dropped again this year, the poor thing started crying, all alone, and dejected. This was Dec 13 this year:

So, we had to help the poor thing out and did our annual migration South! We stayed at Lake Greenwood State Park in South Carolina for the week between Christmas and New Year. I've never see my camper so happy:

But then, we had to return to Indiana, and the last few days we got snow again and, like you, the temps dropped to -1 (last night), and been single digits (less than 5) pretty much all this week. Burr!
My baby is sitting out there screaming again! Hurry up! Come-on March! I know we're heading to Andrew Jackson State Park in South Carolina the week of March 10! Only a short while to go!
Yea, my baby crys loud when it has to just sit!