JohninSD wrote:
GMRS radios require a license - $85.00 for 5 years. Most people don't bother - but don't get caught - FCC fines can be quite high.
That is correct. One license covers your entire immediate family which helps justify the cost of transmitting with 2-5w verses 1/2w in most handhelds.
The first license I purchased was $70/5-years, so it has gone up. There has been talk about dropping the license requirement or allowing 5w and lower devices a free pass since this band can currently be used up to 50w with a license. Canada allows free GMRS use up to 2w.
On a side note:
1. GMRS is not to be used commercially. There are other bands for commercial users and this one is exclusively for radio enthusiasts.
2. Some people use marine handhelds for land use which is also illegal.