jarata1 wrote:
This is everywhere
I only driven a few days in Boston, but I'm sure there are plenty of ding dongs there too.
But dude, I'm tellin ya it ain't this bad everywhere.
I drove around Denver last winter for a week or so. Haven't really been there for a few years. I didn't see the general stupidity or lack of normal driving skills or etiquette.
I've been driving a company pickup for 20 years now, in and out of a half dozen major cities.
Here in Seattle, me and my co workers driving company rigs are routinely called in by "concerned or irate" motorists to the office for driving complaints.
Could read into that as us being unsafe or a hole drivers, but most of us know the drill now and conscientiously drive with this in mind. No, I don't drive slow. I'll drive with traffic if that's 70-60 or 30 mph. I'll let 2x the cars merge at lane drops mist to not get the finger from someone and another call from the office! This compared to being called in twice in the previous 15 years before moving to Seattle. One time I had it coming, passed a lady on a snow packed road and I was doing about 85 mph...In 2wd! No harm, straight road for miles. Other time was a guy called the cops in ALbq on me. They came to the office (when cops actually responded to things like this). Said I passed him like he was standing still, had to be going 80-90 mph! Idk what his issue was, but I happened to be driving an old loaner truck with straight 6, granny Lo 4 speed and a bad tire vibe! When I showed the cop the truck and the reason I couldn't have possibly done that he laughed!
I've been called for "going at least 60 on HWy 18". Speed limit is 60!
Talking on the phone. (Yeah whatever, was a few years ago)
Not using my turn signal. Again, whatever, maybe I didn't. Usually do, But it was a right turn only lane! Who the f cares!
And a few for passing on a 2 lane! Hey Nitz, you're doing 30 in a 45 and that's what the dotted line is for. It's 5:45am on Wednesday , not Sunday afternoon. If you're offended you got passed, speed up! I'm sorry if your pos 1993 granola mobile Subaru with a "Clinton" sticker in the back window from the slick willy days can't go any faster. Or maybe it can. Put the doobie down and step on the skinny pedal!
Guess what the call was about today? Lol
And it's not like I've been stockpiling stupid driver stunts for a while. Most of these are from the last week or so! And 4 or 5 from the last 2 days!