Gosh, everybody, thank-you so much for your comments. TRs can be a chore at times but it is enjoyable on this rainy day to relive the trip and hopefully encourage you all to explore this beautiful country we are lucky to call home. Don't put off your adventures. You have the perfect combo to travel (your TC). On some of the gnarliest roads we have seen Honda Preludes, rental RVs, etc. You can do it.
These are iPhone 5 photos with some editing in Adobe Camera Raw where I punch up the color just a little, adjust some highlights/shadows, contrast/brightness and do some minor sharpening. The ones from my Nikons are on my
websiteMilkshakes next April when we travel through Fields again on our way to explore ghost towns in Nevada. Hopefully, if they sell, the milkshakes will remain. The fuel may be expensive but it was a long way from Burns to Jordan Valley (I think at least 50 miles across that ranch). That arch is amazing and the words are immortal.
Whazoo, your TRs are an art form raised to the highest power. Truly, you are the king of entertaining prose and your photos are top notch. I am going to read your latest on my iPad mini tonight. Guaranteed not to put me asleep.
Part 2 is up and I am diligently working on part 3. This will take you through the Tetons and over to the Green River Lakes area. Part 4 will our return home through southern Idaho and eastern Oregon/Washington.Stay tuned.
Happy trails,