Forum Discussion

clikrf8's avatar
Dec 10, 2014

Warning: trip report

Sorry if some of you don't like clicking on links but it is a pita to do a forum TR on all the forums I am a member of. Anyway, this is part one of a 3 or 4 part saga about our 3 week trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons in a winding round about way.


Hopefully, I can piece this TR together in a coherent manner from my scrawls on our Benchmark maps and iPhone photos. After we returned from this one, we left again for the Southwest for 4 weeks so I will gat that one going soon. There are many photos from this trip and others on my photo website (which needs some serious house cleaning due to overzealous uploads).

  • Great first chapter -- very detailed road descriptions -- very useful! I am looking forward to the next chapters -- thanks for posting the link!