Forum Discussion

nabbermct's avatar
Aug 15, 2013

water damage

I have water damage in our 05 Springdale trailer. The ceiling is wrinkled and the inside wall is too. I was wondering if I can fix this or should I take this to RV repair shop. If I was doing this myself where do I purchase the material for this job. I think I have fixed the water from coming in, it not wet on the floor anymore.
  • Water damage, most RVers biggest fear. I know it's mine. Unfortunately, when you find out about it, the damage is often severe. They don't call it "fall- apart-icle board" for nothing. I would try to fix it myself if I were you. Try to enlist the help of a friend with good carpentry skills if you can.
  • Well, I certainly wouldn't consider it a total loss. But, only you can tell if you have the skills to do it yourself. If you tow it to a dealer they may be able to give you a estimate. But, as long as you have the trailer you have nothing to loose is doing the repair yourself. You will learn as you go.
  • If you can not do the work yourself, it may be time to concider it a total loss. Unless you can still use it as is. Repairs are going to be very expensive if done by a dealer.
  • If you have carpentry skills you can do it yourself. Unfortunately once an RV roof leaks it usually rots and needs replaced. Figure about $150 or more per foot at a dealer just to replace the roof.

    For more detailed assistance you should list what you've got in either your signature or profile.
  • If you have specific wall coverings you're trying to match, you can contact the Mfg. but I don't think you'll have good luck.

    If you've had a leak that damaged the ceiling, the walls, and the floor, you're probably in for more work than what's visible. To know that the leak is no longer leaking, a pressurized leak test is the best insurance.

    Sorry to be such a "sad sack" about this but water leaks are really one of the worst problems with TT's. Good luck with your repairs.
  • There are several threads on fixing water damage. If you have the skills you should be able to do it. If it has leaked for a while the studs can be bad along with soft spots on the floor.