Forum Discussion

mtkbuckeye's avatar
Jul 22, 2013

Water Heater Probs

Camping now. When I left the house water heater worked . Get to campground no Worky. Its a suburban. Will not work on either gas or electric. When turn over to gas does not even attempt to light-no clicky sounds. The light on the switch no allumination like it should when we first turn the switch on.

Any ideas on what to check for?? My trailer is 8 years old so I wonder if its shot?????
  • Thanks for all the help. I was able to get it to light and work great. I might not have had the heater full of water when I was trying at the campground and made certain of it being full before I tried to start it again.

    By the way if anyone is interested.....Bear Lake State Park on the Utah side of Bear Lake is a great place to camp!! We had a great trip!
  • Open the outside cover and look for a reset button. The button on mine is not obvious but it's behind a rubber grommet. It trips when it gets too hot on gas or electric.
    I need to replace the thermostat on it to correct the problem. Hope this is your issue.
  • At campground plugged into power. At home did both gas AND electric to make sure both worked as I knew we would have hook up. I checked the breaker at my converter and all seems good. Where else is there a fuse ? I'm sure it's a lack of power issue I think as I'm not getting that switch to light inside my trailer where I turn it on to start it and then it clicks on when using gas. Not sure where else there might be a fuse. I checked all my wiring up to it and seems normal. But, I'm no electrician.

    Thanks for the help if you guys can think of anything else.......
  • You're plugged into power at the campground? What mode were you using at home on the water heater (gas/electric/both)? Check those fuses as mentioned.
  • check the fuses. weather on gas or electric.. it still needs power to work. also check the Battery, may need 12v instead of 110??