limbery wrote:
Thanks for the great responses (and nice diagram)....but still wondering of what would happen if pump was turned on when city water was present....I guess if there is a backflow valve, then the effect would be the same as when the pump is on but no taps are open, so in other words....nothing would happen as long as there is city water pressure...
been there,done that, doesn't cause a problem, but what happens (at least on my trailer) depends on the city water pressure and the pump pressure.
If city water pressure is higher than the pressure that the pump puts out, pump stays off, city water supplies everything.
If city water pressure is lower than pump pressure, then the pump will kick in and also supply water, how much depends on the pressure from each source, line size etc.
In my case, pump pressure is 55psi, so at campgrounds with low pressure the pump runs intermittently if I forget to turn it off and it supplies some water from the fresh tank.
I have a regulator on my city water set to 60psi. However, if you don't regulate inlet pressure and it is much higher than the pump, the pump will likely stay off and you won't notice anything. If the pressures are closer together, or city can't supply high flow, the pump will help make up for the pressure drop and keep the flow up.
The pump backflow valve in theory keeps the city water from backflowing into the fresh tank and overfilling it.