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frickandfrack's avatar
Jan 18, 2015

Water onnection under the bathroom sink

28 foot Spree, The water connection that feed the outdoor shower, both hot and cold water are leaking. They are Accor Technology flowtite.

How do I get them off? They won't unscrew! I might have created a bit more of a problem by trying "gorilla glue" on them. That did not work, they still leak but now have a glob of glue on them as well.

Thanks for the help.
  • Well I finally got the dang thing off! Kept turning and pulling, real hard, and it they finally pulled off. Put new ones on that just push on and have a little gray ring to unlock it. NO LEAKS!!
    Thanks for all the input and advise.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    When my home was built, they put in Accor valves throughout. I had a small leak where the hose attaches to the valve. At first I tried to remove the hose, but couldn't get it off. I researched and found out the hoses are supposed to be permanently attached to the valve. Seemed like a dumb idea to me.

    After a little more research I decided to replace all the valves with real shutoffs and real hoses. The Accor valves work just like Sharkbite fittings. To get them off you hold the main pipe and with your other hand turn the valve counterclockwise while pulling. If you can't get a good hold on the pipe then you'll need a set of pliers to get a good grip. The section of pipe where the valve sat may have to be cut off. The teeth sometimes leaves gouges when you remove the valve. I'm much happier with real valves. No more tugging on a pipe to shut it off.
  • I have a photo but don't see how to post it. The problem is not at the valve, it's where the hosees for the external shower hook to the main hot anf cold water lines on at the floor under the bathroom sink. Water drips from the point where the metal ring is crimped around the white, flexible, web reinforced hose attached to the fitting that I can't get loose. I was able to turn it but it just keeps turning and won't "unscrew" I can get the other hend off that goes to the shower.
  • nomad297 wrote:
    Many RVs do not use the "swivel" type basin nuts mentioned. Many use basin nuts that first tighten to the faucet, then are crimped to the PEX. These will not swivel to loosen. If you try to swivel them, you will twist the pipe.


    I don't know how old the OP's TT is, but the Sprees that I have seen use the swivel fittings on the shower faucets and all other faucets. Maybe it's an older unit and KZ did things differently. I think a photo would help to clarify exactly what the OP has.

    If the Spree has a Flowtite valve/fitting which must come off, this video (one of many on Youtube) may help. Removing Flowtite valve
  • Many RVs do not use the "swivel" type basin nuts mentioned. Many use basin nuts that first tighten to the faucet, then are crimped to the PEX. These will not swivel to loosen. If you try to swivel them, you will twist the pipe.

  • The PEX lines should have standard "swivel joints" at the faucet which just unscrew counter-clockwise as noted above. Use channel lock pliers if needed. Where exactly is the leaking? If at the swivel joints, you could try just replacing the washers/seals in them.

    I wouldn't cut anything as it can be a lot more work to re-install fittings afterwards. Nothing in there should be glued. Maybe a photo would help.
  • The problem is down on the floor where the outdoor shower connects to the main feed lines. There are no elbows and taking off the faucets won't help. I think you might be right about cutting them off then trying to twist and pull, after the glue removal, but I'll need ti have the replacements on hand since I'm camped pretty far from town!
  • They are removed by twisting counter-clockwise while pulling.......but with gorilla glue you will most likely have to cut them off.
  • Just a suggestion now....can you cut them before the connection and take out the faucet? I had to cut my lines to remove the bathroom sink cabinet, went to Lowe's and got some new fittings to connect back. Make sure you have worked out a way to hook them back up before cutting.
  • I looked at the accor site. So the hose wont come off the faucet threads? Is the hose crimped onto the elbow ?