Forum Discussion

Redjk0769's avatar
Dec 24, 2013

We Got It!!!!

Last Wednesday my wife and I went and picked up our new 2014 OPEN RANGE 308 BHS! We drove 5 hours to pick it up from Walnut Ridge RV in New Castle IN. That is a top notch Dealer but beware of getting your hitch set up! They will try to charge you and not tell you! But anyway that's another tread! When we got there they took us over to there service center where they had it pulled in out of the 20 degrees temps for us to look it over to make sure its everything we wanted and it was! After getting it home and really looking it over the space this thing has on the inside for a TT is unreal. We started putting thing in it this past Saturday and my Wife was so impressed with all the room. This is minor but after looking behind the bedroom door they even put a door knob stop on the wall! How many other companies do this??? This is one reason why we chose OPEN RANGE over other campers we looked at and researched we felt like you get more BANG for you buck with Open Range! Now can't wait till the weather breaks to get it out and use it!
  • Congrads on the new TT. Waiting for nice weather? We've had four days in the 80's, and a cold day today's sunny and only 66!
  • CONGRATS!!! Enjoy the new camper- warm weather is around the corner....
  • Congrats! That must be very exciting. Now, for some warmer weather... :)