Forum Discussion

Jebby14's avatar
Apr 12, 2018

weight distributing hitch. what to expect

Looking at the install instructions for my reese. Says 2 hours, reading through them I would say more like 30-45 minutes. Normally im double the recommended time not less. am I missing something or are they being VERY generous?

Also once setup and installed what should I expect to feel driving? I currently do fine without, only installing for more piece of mind.
  • A little late but I put on our WD hitch a few weeks ago. It took about 3 hours. Mainly due to taking my time and then the adjustments trying to get the tow vehicle and camper back to level. It took trial and error to get that done.

    I had to do the install on the street since our driveway isn't level :(

    as far as the torque issue, I bought a 250lb tq wrench that would fit my basic needs, the rest of higher torque needs I went to my local mechanic and had them torque the ball to the hitch which required 450lbs.

    I will say the WD hitch made a HUGE difference towing our TT.
  • Could take a while. Be ready to adjust the hitch head several times, as well as trying different chain links. The most important part of towing is getting the hitch setup correctly.

    IF you get it right. You will have no problems with the second part of your question. IF you get it right. You will have no sway, the headlights will see the road. Meaning the TV will sit pretty much like it does unhooked, and the TT will just follow you where ever you lead it. Plus the big trucks will not push you around. You will of course feel the weight, and the TV will feel a little stiffer on bumps, and rough roads. So spend the time, and get it right..

    Next important part, Is getting the Brake controller setup right. Get it right, and the TT, and the TV will stop as one, with no jerks, or pushing. Get it wrong, and it will take too long to stop, or going the other way, will jerk the TV. So take your time getting ready to tow, and once you get it all set. Your towing experience will be a relaxing drive to the CG. Enjoy
  • thanks guys. no hurry or anything was just curious as I tend to underestimate and this one seems generous. was more of a curiosity. this is a standard reese not a DC. suspect the worst part is going to be getting my hands on a torque wrench capable of the 500 ftlbs ill need
  • :) Hi, putting a hitch together, especially after you have done it at least once before, doesn't take long. The real time is getting the hitch tuned to your set-up.
  • My question would be; do you have an appointment? Every time a project is discussed, there seems to be a race to the finish. When you take the time to do it right, start to finish, only then will you have an accurate measure of project time.

    I do things like file sharp corners and remove burrs, touch up damaged paint, fit head to shank precisely, and whatever else might improve the installation. Trouble is, that I always lose the race, but being a loser may not be all bad.
  • In the morning drinking coffee less than two hours.
    In the afternoon drinking beer more than two hours.
  • by the time you install it, adjust it with a tape measure, then take it to the CAT scale to fine tune it, you'll have every bit of two hours in it.

    I recco setting it up with right at or just under 100% FALR.

    Expect it's going to ride and handle better.
  • My E2 took about 90 minutes to do start to finish including remeasuring and adjusting twice. I am however very detail oriented when it comes to safety and so some of that time was finding a torque wrench with the right rating in my fathers factory.
  • Is this a regular Reese hitch, or is it the DualCam sway control??? If a DC, then yes, the 2 hrs may be correct, but if just a regular round bar or trunnion style, should be a snap, 30-45 mins maybe, and some time to readjust. Never goes right the first time!!!!