Forum Discussion

Calicajun's avatar
May 02, 2015

Weight Distribution Hitch Bars

We have a 31 foot TT that has a tongue weight of 645 pounds with the propane tanks full. As of now we have a standard (cheap) WDH with 1,000 pounds. Everything seems to work/pull fine so far but have notice there is no bend in the bars at all.

We are looking into getting a WDH that has sway control build in so not to have to use the two add on anti-sway units. Question we have is should we get the new hitch with 1,000 pounds bars or 750 pounds bars?

  • The 645 pounds of weight was what I was told at the scales. Though I'm starting to think maybe he was wrong, then again the weight book of the tongue is listed as 575 pounds. The 7,500 pounds I stated before was a guess, listed trailer weight at 6,185 pounds and what I thought everything less should weight going into the trailer. If the scale weight was correct (6,540 total) when I was pretty close in my guess.

    The trailer is a Heartland Wilderness 2775RB with two slides.

  • Calicajun wrote:
    --- Question we have is should we get the new hitch with 1,000 pounds bars or 750 pounds bars?
    In a different thread, you referred to a 7,500 pound loaded travel trailer.

    If your 31' trailer is around 7500# loaded, the loaded tongue weight should be around 1000#.

    If you have a 1000# TW, and if you want to use the WDH to restore the front-axle load to its unhitched value, I would recommend you use the 1000#-rated WD bars.

  • That tongue weight seems awful light for a 31ft TT. Is that the posted weight from the manufacture or an actual scale weight?
    Does it have any slides?
    My 32 footer is has more than twice that on the tongue.
  • bgum, I understand the friction sway control are add on units. I'm using two of them now but want to change to a WDH that has sway control built into the unit. Have heard that the WDHs with sway control built in work better and less grease to deal with too. I do get tired of grease all over my hands.

    As of now the truck drops 1/2 when the TT is hooked up. Once the truck is started there is no drop as the truck built in 4 point air suspension (no springs on this truck at all)and brings the truck back to level. Just wasn't sure if a bend in the bars was required to get the best performance from the WDH system.
  • Here's some videos on the Equalizer 4 point weight distribution hitch. Many people love them here. Kepp the ball greased and that helps keep down the noise.

    Equalizer Videos

    Happy trails,
  • The bars are for weight dist. not sway. Most people als0 have a sway control based on friction hooked to the hitch. Some use 2 sway controls. These are the small ball on the hitch and trailer tongue. If your wd bars have no bend and are very easy to snap up then you are not transferring any weight.