The bug you get from what you think might have been too much beer or granny's coleslaw from a picnic could very well be from thavehe bacteria in the water in the holding tank
That's funny.Anyone that drinks from an rv "holding tank" deserves to get sick...Those that drink from the rv food grade water tank that is kept clean, will not get sick.Now those that wait to put water in from an unknown source from a municipal water tank/system could be rolling the dice on just what there putting in there food grade rv water supply.
We have all seen the recent boil orders for municipal water hitting the news...I don't want that in my system.How safe is bottled water/is it really spring water..We have all seen that on the news also.
Okay Rockhill.....Give me links to reliable stories that people got sick and or died from drinking from a RV food grade water tank.I have never seen it or heard of it ..I think we all know that it is easy to give links to bad water from municipal water supplies.
You seem to be into safe water as we all are..How do you purify questionable water say camping/hiking or if you were stranded?I use Sawyer water purifiers and ultraviolet light to destroy all bacteria and viruses in water.Sawyer also makes a water purifier that takes out viruses but the flow is slow.
I thought there was a warning somewhere not to drink out of RV holding tanks.:B:B