Having moved from VA to ID I find the locals here have a serious lack of respect for the ruggedness of the Appalachians. For them the Rockies are mountains and the bumps back east are hills. I remember traveling through the Charleston area on I-64 and wondering whether it would ever end! There are a few grades there that come close to anything here in Idaho, and there is no contest when it comes to fall color. I think the biggest difference is that you have to work so hard in WV to find a clear viewpoint compared to the big sky out west. The altitude can make a difference for some folks too.
In VA's Blue Ridge the mountains rise up from less than 1000 feet off the piedmont to crest at 4-5000, a difference of at least 3000 feet. Most of the ranges here in Idaho rise from 5000-6000 feet and crest at 9000, so the difference is not as dramatic as one would think. Of course there are spots out west that are insane contrasts, like the La Sals and Henrys in Utah,the Sawtooths and Lemhis in Idaho, and the Tetons of Wyoming; they are a class to themselves.