jfkmk wrote:
SoonerWing03 wrote:
So with that said, if I upgraded the tires could I effectively increase the cargo capacity?
Absolutely not. As stated, no one on this forum knows exactly why rt he capacity is what it is, they're just telling you what it might be. Ludicrous to think anyone can make that kind of engineering judgement based on the limited info you provided. Why don't you believe the folks who made the trailer?
Wow, sorry to have offended you.
It's not that I don't believe them, I am just trying to figure out why their numbers don't seem to add up. I have had some suggest upgrading tires and I am trying to determine what all effect that would have and on what aspects. As with most things, they are trying to control costs to maximize profit margins so maybe the skimped on tires??? IDK I'm just trying to figure out, if possible, why the GVWR would be less than the axel rating. I have read so many different numbers about the same units that I am just trying to build my understanding so that I have to rely on others as little as possible.
I wasn't trying to ask a ludicrous question, my apologies.