covered wagon wrote:
Geewizard wrote:
covered wagon wrote:
I think all pick ups are half ton. To make 3/4 or one ton rating it has to have diesel, 4wd, air bags and stick shift.:)
Geewizard, can you tell us what fuel mileage you get with your Toyota and camper?
Thanks, I'm might be going to downsize someday and think that is a simple way to go.
I get from 9.5 to 12 mpg with the camper on, depending on the usual variables.
Thank you, I like those Toyotas. Sometimes it feels like I'm hauling a huge behemeth with my Norrthern-Lite 10-2 even on an upgraded 3/4 t. camper package truck.
The 9.5 mpg was during my trip from Alaska to WA. I was in a hurry, did as much 70mph as I could regardless of the fuel cost, and I was pretty heavy overall.