FishOnOne wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Good transmission??? Too funny as the true MD AISIN doesn’t break. No the straight six does not need more gears.
Yeah too funny is correct... Isn't this a picture of your tiny transmission?

Come on Fish is that all you have??? Doesn't your Brothers first cousins wives dad'a uncle have some pics of real failed AISIN???
You know the facts about my trans so why don't you include them with the picture for full disclosure???
Not sure 400# for a transmission classifies it as "tiny".
Fact is that's your transmission on the floor and your truck is on the lift because of your transmission.
The No Spin Zone :B
My truck went into the shop to get a small leak fixed under warranty that had NOTHING to do with it's performance. The Mechanic has 40 years doing transmissions and a great reputation.
He removed the back half of the trans replaced the gasket and it didn't feel right going back together. New gasket and it felt good and did a test ride all was good to go. I towed it 45 miles and it self destructed because he did not know and follow the proper procedure to replace the gasket. He admitted it was his fault but said he simply has touched two AISIN's in his career and they were simply RnR. Proper procedure is to remove trans, stand on it's end then do the gasket replacement letting gravity be your friend.
So Fish next time give all the FACTS you already know when trying to make something look bad so people can know the truth.